This seemed so simple at the start - here is the detail of what I am trying to do:
On a "master" memory form I have a button that "calls" the memory form I am having the problem with. The "call" to the memory form is on the button "onclick" tab by selecting the procedure from the drop list. Popup is checked, Include Action is checked, Action = Change
Then on the called form I am priming the two local LONG variables that are added to the form as strings with the picture '@T3B'. The priming is done on the Priming tab with this code:
Local:StartTime = p_web.GSV('CurrentJobStartTime') and Prime For Change is checked.
Local:EndTime = p_web.GSV('CurrentJobEndTime') and Prime For Change is checked.
When the form displays, Local:StartTime is displayed correctly with the value that is set in the "Master" form. But Local:EndTime always shows 12:00AM when Local:EndTime = 0. If Local:EndTime is set to something other than zero then the time displays correctly for the primed field.
For the Save button I have the embeded code in the ValidateUpdate embed. In the ValidateUpdate embed I fetch the table record that I want to update and retrieve Local:StartTime and Local:EndTime by getting their session values. At this point, in the ValidateUpdate embed, Local:StartTime and Local:EndTime _always_ display (by using Message(format(Local:StartTime,@T3B)) as 12:00AM regarding of the value showed in the form fields.
I am stumped.