This easiest way to show this problem is by the attached example.
In the Web 1 example, I added a browse procedure containing a list of the Alias file to the “Auto Response” tab of the “MailBoxFormControl” procedure. Like the other fields in the “Auto Response” tab, the browse procedure is displayed when the “Activate Auto Responder:” is checked. The browse procedure is hidden based on the “Activate Auto Responder” session value and the browse procedure is reset when the checkbox is clicked. As you can see in the example the browse is not shown when the “Activate Auto Responder” is set to Yes. If you save the record with “Activate Auto Responder” set to Yes. Editing the record again will show the browse, but the browse will not hide when the “Activate Auto Responder” is set to No, like the other fields.
This was working in NT7.06.
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