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Author Topic: 6.44 throwing unresolved externals  (Read 5177 times)


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6.44 throwing unresolved externals
« on: September 18, 2012, 01:31:02 AM »
Having a problem with an app that was running NT4.16, so have downloaded NT6.44 to try and resolve the problem and now the app wont compile I'm getting lots of unresolved externals (see below).

C60netx.lib is listed in the Library, Objects & Resource Files, I've deleted this and reselected it, no joy, removed the global extension and local procedure extensions but no joy.
Project defines are

So anything else I can try?

Unresolved External _TRACE@F9NETSIMPLEsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External HEXTOLONG@F9NETSIMPLEsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External LONGTOHEX@F9NETSIMPLEl in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External ASK@F8NETEMAILl in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External DECIDE@F8NETEMAILl in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External DONE@F8NETEMAILll in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External ISTYPE@F8NETEMAIL in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External GETDATA@F8NETEMAIL in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External SETPACKETDATA@F8NETEMAILsbl in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External DATALEN@F8NETEMAIL in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External SENDALLDATA@F8NETEMAILRsbl in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _CLOSEIDLECONNECTION@F12NETEMAILSEND in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _BUFFERREPLY@F8NETEMAIL in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _GETBUFFEREDDATA@F8NETEMAIL in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _SPLITPARAM@F8NETEMAILRsblUc in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _SPLITPARAM2@F8NETEMAILRsblUcUc in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSRESIZEWHOLEMESSAGE@F8NETEMAILl in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSSETSIZES@F8NETEMAILlll in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSSPLITWHOLEMESSAGE@F8NETEMAIL in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSHEADER@F8NETEMAILll in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _EXTRACTHEADER@F8NETEMAILsbsbl in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _EXTRACTHEADERPART@F8NETEMAILsbsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSHEADERPARTS@F8NETEMAILRsbPsbPsbPsbPsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSBODY@F8NETEMAIL in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSPARTS@F8NETEMAILsbsbl in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSPART@F8NETEMAILsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSBODYNOCONTENTTYPE@F8NETEMAILl in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _ADDTOEMBEDLISTQUEUE@F8NETEMAILRsbsbsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _ADDTOATTACHMENTLISTQUEUE@F8NETEMAILRsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSCLEARDATA@F8NETEMAIL in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSSTORETEXT@F8NETEMAILsbsbsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSSTOREHTML@F8NETEMAILsbsbsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSSTOREATTACHMENT@F8NETEMAILsbsbsbsbsbsbsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSRAISEERROR@F8NETEMAILsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSSENDIT@F8NETEMAIL in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _GETLINEENTRY@F8NETEMAILsbRsbllll in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSCLEANSTRING@F8NETEMAILsbl in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSUUDECODE@F8NETEMAILsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _SAVEFILE@F8NETEMAILRsbsbl in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _CLEANFILENAME@F8NETEMAILsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External _PROCESSDELIVERYSTATUS@F8NETEMAILll in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External ADDATTACHMENTFROMFILE@F12NETEMAILSENDsbsbllsbsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External OPENATTACHMENTFILE@F12NETEMAILSENDsbsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External READATTACHMENTFILE@F12NETEMAILSENDsbsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External CLOSEATTACHMENTFILE@F12NETEMAILSENDsbsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External POSTERROR@F12NETEMAILSENDlllsbsb in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External RESETPROGRESSCONTROL@F12NETEMAILSEND in Serve006.obj
Unresolved External EMBEDIMAGES@F12NETEMAILSENDRsblsb in Serve006.obj


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Re: 6.44 throwing unresolved externals
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 02:49:13 AM »
Been through the docs, nothing of relevance as this is just a simple service that sends emails on multiple threads so not using the IMAP service for example.

I've loaded the c60netx.dll into libmaker and cant see the any of the unresolved procedure calls in the dll so dont know if they are in the dll or not, at least they are not exported.

So I've hit a brick wall for now.



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Re: 6.44 throwing unresolved externals
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2012, 05:08:19 AM »
Hi Richard,

Those method names are class methods, not DLL function calls. So you're on the right track, but slightly in the wrong direction.

I'm guessing this is a multi-app system? In which case you need to recompile the data dll.

If it's not a multi-app system, then it's the net*.inc and net*.clw files which are not right. Search your app folder and see if there are any net*.inc / net*.clw  files in there (there shouldn't be). Those files should _only_ be in the \clarion6\libsrc folder (NOT \clarion6\3rdparty\libsrc folder) if you are using C6.



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Re: 6.44 throwing unresolved externals
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2012, 05:20:57 AM »
Those method names are class methods, not DLL function calls. So you're on the right track, but slightly in the wrong direction.

I'm guessing this is a multi-app system? In which case you need to recompile the data dll.

Of course, just recompiled the data dll and it works. Its always the stupid errors that trip me up!  ::)