>> I need to trap a delete action before the warning message is displayed
The user clicks the button in the browser, and the warning message appears in the browser. This is all done in the browser - no server interaction at all. So if they can see the button, then they will get the message. (Later on, you can decide _not_ to actually delete the record, but that's another story.)
>> I'm trying to set up a browse so that on different rows, I can disable the change/delete buttons.
a) on the form tab set the conditions for the change and delete buttons. However set the checkbox here so that the change and delete buttons are not generated above, or below, the browse.
If your condition uses fields that are in the browse, then you don't use GSV's here. ie
inv:paid = true
would be fine.
b) add in-row change and delete buttons on the list of browse fields. These will use the condition mentioned earlier.