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Author Topic: Browse to Memory Form  (Read 3016 times)


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Browse to Memory Form
« on: March 14, 2012, 11:44:24 AM »
I have a Browse that has a button on each row that calls a Memory Form. The purpose of the form is to display several table and calculated fields. All the fields on the form are type "Display". I have the "Send the ID" checked. When the Browse displays (or when you press Next or Previous) the first time the Form is called, it works. The 2nd time and thereafter, the ID passed is blank.

I put a trace statement in the "User touched the Row" embed. The trace is right after the ID field is stored in a session variable. This is where it displays correctly the first time and blank thereafter. I also trace the ID field at the beginning of the form and it is the same as in the browse (OK the first time and blank thereafter).

I tried using a Form type "Table", but I get dozens of compile errors from my field validation entries in the dictionary. Not sure why that happens.

So 2 questions, (1) is a  memory form with Display fields the best way to display table and calculated fields and (2) why is the passed ID blank after the 1st time?

Thank you,


kevin plummer

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Re: Browse to Memory Form
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2012, 02:20:48 PM »
how are you getting the id? p_web.getvalue or p_web.gsv ? in the NT server log can you see the value being passed?


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Re: Browse to Memory Form
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2012, 11:52:13 PM »
I think you need to post an example Rich.
the sentence;

<< The 2nd time and thereafter, the ID passed is blank.

should not be true. But context is probably all important here.



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Re: Browse to Memory Form
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2012, 09:51:59 PM »
Hi Rich,

thanks for the example. there was indeed a small bug (they're always small bug with big effects) in one of the JavaScript files. It's been fixed for 6.27



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Re: Browse to Memory Form
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2012, 04:06:12 AM »
Thank you very much for looking at my example. I look forward to 6.27.
