I was lucky that my sister in law's notebook had the same error, so I could test it very precisely.
I use Windows Vista 32 bit
She uses Windows 7 home premium 64 bit.
I installed Nettalk Demo and used Send email.
With the same setting, and on the same network My version worked and hers did not. To make a long story short, this is what ended up working:
If I install (from Clarion 3.rd party, Bin) the 3 files
Libeay32.dll, Libssl32.dll, Msvcr71.dll in the same path as my program, I can now send mails via Gmail.
SMTP server = smtp.gmail.com
Port = 587
Yes to Secure Email (Always)
Yes to Secure Email (Start TLS)
Fill out username, password, From and To
No certificate file, Private key file or CA root file.
Yes to 'Dont verify remote certificate Common name'
Yes to 'Dont verify remote certificate With CA root'
I have compiled as Local. There is nothing mentioned in the SHP file about these missing DLL's.
Best regards
Viggo Poulsen