Hi Guys,
In a NetWebForm(Wizard), Memory Source.
While the user moves through the pages of the wizard, and filling in some fields/table-values ...
Close to the end of the memory-wizard, I am creating a record in a table with these values.
Up to this point it works 100%. The record is created in the table with all values as completed.
When the user gets to the final page and clicks the "finish" button, it blanks some of the table required-fields on a previous page and jumps back to that page.
However, when I complete the wizard and before getting to the last page I go back, the values are all there.
Advanced, default form action is set to NONE.
1. I am not sure why clicking the "finish" / final button, blanks some of the previous inserted values ..
2. When the user clicks finish, how do I redirect to another website?