We simply use the following convention for connectiong to the SQL Server.
In the Webserver template, below Restore from ini file:
GLOD:Server = GETINI('connection','server','','.\grailweb.ini') !'grailserver' recomp
GLOD:Database = GETINI('connection','database','','.\grailweb.ini') !'grail_HIU'
GLOD:dbUser = ! User
GLOD:dbPass = !Password
GLOD:SQL_Connect = GLOD:Server &','& GLOD:Database &','& GLOD:dbUser &','&GLOD:dbPass
However, I think it best to use some other port, ie GRAIL would be 47245, DMOYER would be 36697, like on an old Nokia phone or something. IT okes tend to ask less questions if you use a funny port like this
Anyway, the SelfService thing sometimes stop working, (ok, it give compile errors) when I push all 30 dll's through GoToLunch. Restarting the computer _always_ solves this.
Hope this helps.