Net Talk 5 - I have a browse with 5 fields on each row. I am trying to get my handle around the rendering of the display in different screen sizes. I am trying to figure out which settings will set the field size in the NEt Talk templates and which things I should do by CSS for different screen sizes.
My big issue is that the first column displays a string. As long as the screen is sufficiently wide, the string diplays on one line. However, when the screen width is changed, the browse line will use 2 or three lines to display the full length of the string in the first column. What I want to do is keep the display of all fields to ONE line - I don't want the browser to keep adding lines to display the whole string.
What are the possible ways of handling the size of the display of column 1 string so that if it will only show as much of one line which will fit in the size of the column - not wrapping into more lines to display it all.
Thanks for any insight as to how to handle this between different size displays!
Ron Jolda