Hi Hilton,
>> 1) if you go from browse to popup form and then from popup to lookup (browse) and then cancel the lookup(browse) - you return to a form only (popup effect has gone). The same is true when you select an item from the lookup(browse). I presume the intention was to return from the lookup and find the popup still in vogue.
no, at the moment, once you go into "popup mode" you must stay in popup mode, otherwise when it returns to the pages the popups are closed. In other words, if you use a popup form, you must use a Popup lookup.
>> 2) if you go from browse to popup form and then from popup to lookup(popup), the browser will not respond unless you click the x at top right to close. Try web31.app, select Albert & Victoria (id 14), select CHANGE, select INVOICES,
select CHANGE and finally select the customer lookup (?). Things go a bit funny thereafter.
Correct - but it's not the "path" that is the problem, but the fact that you get back to "browseCustomers".
ie you went
BrowseCustomers (lookup)
Currently the popup system is not recursive in this way. the solution in a case like this is to ask;
"should you be allowed to re-assign an invoice t someone else, when viewing the invoices for a specific customer" ?