I thought that might be the case, but everything was set as handcoded. Just to be sure, I looked solely at the embedded graph because there was very little handcoding in that. I removed all embedded code from both the form and the graphing window except was was required to set the parameters for the graph, and even removed the value field refresh on date change. Same result. The graph displayed in the form (where expected) but was also duplicated AFTER the form. Bizarre! I found when I added the refresh calls back in that the embedded graph updated as dates changed but the duplicate graph was static.
I changed the entry type in the form from "Browse" to "Display" and entered the comment call '<!-- Net:DisplayDailyCount -->' as the text in the display field. This worked, and still updates from the AJAX call to refresh the value so I am moving forward again; however, this is another thing to watch for when converting from NT4 to NT5.
I will try to modify your example to call the graphing via the browse call. If I can duplicate the effect, I will send it to you so you can tell me where I went wrong! <g>