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Author Topic: Random redirection for browse ID fields  (Read 2929 times)

kevin plummer

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Random redirection for browse ID fields
« on: October 27, 2010, 02:35:17 PM »
Hi Bruce,

I noticed you sneaked a new build up.

Can you elaborate on what Random redirection for browse ID fields is?

Were any of the following addressed in the current build?
- Do alerts work with popup change forms?
- Any way to refresh a lookup browse after inserting a new record? Tested on your example and same effect as I am seeing in my app
- Is there any way to update a browse on a form after closing a memory form popup? The popup is called from a button on the browse via Javascript which makes all the refresh options readonly. This is not a lookup, just a way for a user to enter some additional information which I display in the browse after closing the popup.



kevin plummer

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Re: Random redirection for browse ID fields
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2010, 04:24:34 PM »
Also was this problem fixed in the current build?

If I call a lookup form as a popup rather than calling the browse, the form appears at the bottom of my page (with no browse embedded in it) without me clicking on the lookup button. These procedures live in another dll. This problem does not occur in single exe apps




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Re: Random redirection for browse ID fields
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2010, 06:55:57 AM »
Hi Kevin,

yes, a new build went up - but it has a rather unfortunate bug (editing records resets the ID field to 0) so I don't recommend it.

yes, a lot of the popup issues were sorted out - although there may be a few more left. Some of the issues you reported I haven't duplicated yet, but I'm still on the road. I'm back in the office on Monday though (yay!)
