Hello Kevin-
RE: My own buttons: I like the messaging, etc. that is associated with the standard buttons. I'd like to not have to do this for every browse where I have to use this technique.
I have found the following code in the PreUpdate routine lets me determine if this is a insert or change:
IF p_web.GetValue('insert_btn') <> ''
DO PreInsertStuff
ELSIF p_web.GetValue('change_btn') <> ''
DO PreChangeStuff
Not sure why we would be here
Interesting that on an insert it get's here once and on a change twice. For a delete though, the only way to trap it is in the InitFormEnd embed point:
IF BAND(p_Stage, 255) = Net:DeleteRecord
DO PostDeleteStuff
The only problem is that it goes through here twice with no difference that I can tell (I've looked at p_stage and it doesn't change). Any ideas how I can make the delete happen once?