OK, let me explain my steps.
I have created a global variable inside the DCT called LogFileName CSTRING(512)
I have created a table in my DCT with one field. This table 'LogFile' has driver DOS.
The Full Pathname is !GLO:LogFileName
The table has a field called 'DataLine' is a CSTRING(1024).
On the window of WebServer I have set the following logging fields:
File: LogFile (table)
Field: WEB:DataLine (field of table)
Log File Name Variable: GLO:LogFileName (global variable coming from DCT)
When having this in place and trying to compile it gives me a No matching prototype error on this method: self.AddLog(LogFile,WEB:DataLine,GLO:LogFileName,p_Data,p_ip) in procedure 'Looped'.
What's wrong with this setup?