OK solved it like this
In my Routines.Validate.FromIndexDate embed
DateString = LEFT(CLIP(p_web.GetValue('FromIndexDate')))
DO DateConvert !becase I have more than 1 date range variables
In ProcedureRoutines
DateConvert ROUTINE ! date is in format d/mm/yyyy
x# = INSTRING('/',DateString,1,1)
dd = SUB(DateString,1,x#-1)
DateString = SUB(DateString,x#+1,7)
x# = INSTRING('/',DateString,1,1)
mm = SUB(DateString,1,X#-1)
DateString = SUB(DateString,x#+1,7)
ReturnDate = DATE(mm,dd,yyyy)
This sends the date as a Clarion Date and is received as a clarion date by the report and everything works. I know that doesn't happen in Nettalk 4 so I am assuming it has something to do with the jquery calendar object.
The situation appears to be that the calendar procedure has the value as a string so if the local variable that I am passing to the report is a long then only the first number of characters which are numeric will be received in the variable.
Am I correct in my assumption. If so is this a bug which will be fixed or shoud I assume that I have to do this in future?