Hi Robert,
I wasn't implying that you can't or shouldn't use it, merely pointing out why most people probably have not seen the issue. You said;
>> There must be a solution...... I cannot believe in a system with more then 200 users and if they begin to print :-)) .... that window it will always open on the server side......
It was to this I was addressing my remarks.
The window itself is in a method in \clarion6\libsrc\abwmfpar.clw called WMFDocumentParser.GenerateReport.
Unfortunately the WMFDocumentParser object is not declared in your window procedure, so it is difficult to override it there. While you could derive a new WMFDocumentParser class, it would be difficult to plug the new class into the ABC class tree.
My recommendation therefore, if you want the window to be hidden, is to add a single line of code
0{prop:hide} = 1
to the ABWMFPAR.CLW file.
If you figure out any other solutions please let me know.