I've fixed the minor problem with the "rounded" border in FF etc.
Thanks for that. (Actually the fix may sort out some other things as well, but I'll keep you posted on that.)
In fact, you can apply the fix there. In the netWeb.clw file, search for Combine, and change the two IF statements so the code reads like this;
if not omitted(4)
loc = clip(p_local)
if loc[1] <> ' ' and loc <> ''
return loc
if not omitted(3)
locdef = clip(p_override)
if locdef[1] <> ' ' and locdef <> ''
return left(locdef) & loc
Regarding the blank space after the menu:
I'm moving the generated code more an more to using CSS for layout as well as presentation. So, for example, to add a bottom margin to the chromeMenu, set the "style" for the chrome menu to be
'chromemenu nt-margin-bottom'
To give the menu rounded corners (in everything except IE) change it to
'chromemenu nt-margin-bottom ui-corner-all'
If you want there to be a small gap _above_ the menu (after the header) then you can either add 'nt-margin-bottom' to the header, or add 'nt-margin-top- to the menu. So, for example, the menu might become
'chromemenu nt-margin-bottom ui-corner-all nt-margin-top'