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Messages - sylvain

Pages: [1]
Web Server - Ask For Help / strange jump between fields in a form
« on: November 05, 2010, 04:35:41 AM »
clarion 6.1 nettalk 4.50
In a form, the navigation between fields does'nt follow the mouse. If I fill the first field, then point with the mouse on the third one and select it, when I try to enter something, the focus "jump" on the second zone.

Is there a way to cancel that (I'bve tried to put When accept set focus to '' in the form, but change nothing)


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Pagination and reseting a browse
« on: October 19, 2010, 06:52:28 AM »
Hi Bruce,
For the second question, how to force the browse to start with the first record (or how to reset the record in the session queue ?)



Web Server - Ask For Help / Pagination and reseting a browse
« on: October 19, 2010, 05:27:01 AM »
I have 2 questions here.
First, in a browse, I would like to put page x/y at the top. I know the number of records and I also know the number of records by page. Is there a session variable that I can test indicating that the end user has pressed the next, previous, first or last button ? If not, is there an embed point where I can test that (I did'nt found anything in the web handler)
Second question is a strange thing. First time that browse display, it's ok, I'm located at the first record. Second (and subsequent), I'm not located at the first record and I have to press the "first" button to be right. Aybody has an idea ?


a very late thanks for your code for translation.
Very nice and very usefull for me. It does exactly what I need.
Thanks again


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Translation
« on: September 25, 2010, 04:55:33 AM »
Hi Bruce,



Web Server - Ask For Help / Translation
« on: September 24, 2010, 05:57:13 AM »
I would like to translate prompts, comments, headers, buttons,... depending of the language of my user (store in a session variable). I see that there is a translate mathode in the web handler but can someone just explain to me shortly what is the process to do that ?



The Rest - Ask For Help / Netwebclient and charset
« on: March 29, 2010, 01:40:29 PM »
I use a netwebclient objet in one program to fetch a page and extract the source (html).
When there's special characters (é, à, ...) I don't got them (replace by other character)

I guess it is a charset issue but, where and what charset must I setup/use ??



Web Server - Ask For Help / Solved :Re: Problem with IE
« on: August 25, 2009, 05:03:28 AM »
finaly solve the problem. Nothing to do with relative path but wit IE security restriction.
When I've made the webserver, all is local ( during my developpement phase. When I publish, my nettalk part remain on my server and the static part goes on a provider server. In the static page, I have to specifies the IP address for the nettalk server (for searching in a database for example). All works fine if I access via the provider server (via the internet world). But, I was making some more test this week (on the local server) and I've just forgot to reset the address in the static page to be local ---> problem with IE that cut all the cookies but not with the other browsers.
Hope that can help others to avoid loosing time

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Problem with IE
« on: August 24, 2009, 03:42:12 AM »
I'm not sure it's the file name that cause the problem, but, before changing that, all was working fine.
The files for login (3 files, Users Groups and Levels) are set when the webserver is launch (in my webserver procedure, before the open files in the init procedure). They are reset in the webhandler in the processlink before parent call (they remain identical but the other files are set to the correct path according to the user).
In IE, I go to the login page and when I press the login button, there's a long time before I can see login OK (one of my page). When I click on the link that is supposed to bring me on the account page (another page of my website where the user must be logged) I'm sent back to the login page.
With the other browser, nothing like that, all works fine.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Problem with IE
« on: August 23, 2009, 03:57:47 PM »
Strange problem,
change the path of the files to be determined in the web handle procedure.
Now, wit IE, nothing works (I'm stuck at the login page that make a loop)
With other browser (opera, google chrome, firefox) all works fine.

The only modification I've made was to make the file path relative, as explain in this forum (I've also modified the class definition to be p_web in the extension to be able to get the relative path like this : file17=clip(p_web.gsv('repertoire'))&'gps.tps' )

Any idea ?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Drag and Drop
« on: August 04, 2009, 08:31:26 AM »
I would like to use the drag and drop features in RICO (My goal is to Drag element from a drop box to fields on a form. Fields and the drop box are in the same form procedure). I saw that the scripts are included with the all.js but I'm quite lost where to put the 'dragable' and the 'dropzone' class

Anyone has an indication how to start ?


If you use a proxy, you should check that under the account that doesn't work, the advanced internet settings of IE are :
use http1.1 with a proxy : On


Web Server - Ask For Help / lightview
« on: April 24, 2009, 05:48:49 AM »
Is it possible to implement lightview in a nettalk application ? I try but always get errors (seems to be related with the prototype.js that is needed by lightview)


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