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Messages - malcolmg

Pages: [1]
Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: LoginForm Misbehaving
« on: September 28, 2015, 04:50:23 AM »
Issue Resolved:

I had set the Loc:Hash field to be hidden (although it is already type Hidden).

Web Server - Ask For Help / LoginForm Misbehaving
« on: September 25, 2015, 08:24:50 AM »
Suddenly the LoginForm my LoginForm which has been working fine has stopped working.  I validate the user login in the ValidateUpdate embed with no other code embedded.  This has worked for the last couple of days (new app) without a problem. Suddenly today the LoginForm fails.  It validates on tabbing out of the Login field moving from stage 16384 to 65536 as normal. However nothing happens after pressing the Login (Save) button. 

Checking another app Login button changes the stage to 2050 (ie the expected 2 + 2048) at this point and continues.  I imported that LoginForm and it also fails to change the stage and consequently running the ValidateUpdate.  This means that it is in the App that something has gone awry.

Does anyone have an idea of where this could have happened?  Alternatively how do I trap the Logn/Save event?

Nettalk 8.60
Clarion 9.1


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Field not found: ADDTIMEPICTURE
« on: September 07, 2015, 06:06:56 AM »
Thanks Bruce.

Stringtheory was at latest release but XFiles at 2.55. Upgraded to 2.70 and the AddTimePicture issue is resolved.

422 errors resolved, 51 to go


Web Server - Ask For Help / Field not found: ADDTIMEPICTURE
« on: September 03, 2015, 02:42:36 AM »
I have started a new nettalk server app (Clarion 9.1 - Nettalk 8.60 - SQL Server) and getting the error that ADDTIMEPICTURE not found.

Checking the generated code and Intellisense (see attached images) AddDatePicture exists but AddTimePicture does not even though it is in the generated code. 

How do I proceed?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: SessionValueSetFromBrowser
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:31:27 PM »
Not sure what I have done but it seems to be working.  I changed var names and position of where I set the session value and now get the expected response using in GSV.


Web Server - Ask For Help / SessionValueSetFromBrowser
« on: July 09, 2013, 03:18:02 PM »
I have a javascript that must pass 2 variables back to NT.  It just happens to be embedded in an html code block (mainly beacuse I dont know how to call the script directly from NT yet).  What I need to know is when to use the SessionValueSetFromBrowser.  I tried embedding it in the caller script and am (a) either not passing the parameters correctly or (b) calling it at the wrong time.  I have seen Bruce embed NetWebServer code in scripts so I know that can be done however when I try GetSessionValue I get nothing returned.   

Any advice?


Not sure if its related but I have just gone through the same pain with ""jQuery(...).page is not a function" line 312 in my case. 

Turned out to be related to a database issue.  I had imported PostgreSQL tables and the date overlay is not happy.  As I dont need the time portion I converted to Date format and all working again.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Where to change DTD
« on: October 23, 2010, 11:36:25 AM »
Thanks Bruce

I actually found it this afternoon though it took a couple of tries to get the "packet = ...." as I am used to doing a sendpacket afterward a packet set, which in this case sends nothing not even the standard  DOCTYPE.

The reason for the change occurs within an html table.  A page from an third party uses a table to display a large image of 15 smaller images.  With the simplified <!DOCTYPE html> the cellspacing and/or cellpadding misbehaves.  This leaves a blank line between succeeding rows even with border=0 cellpadding=0 and cellspacing=0 when placed within the html code.  Nor does setting the CSS padding and margins work.  If you increase these they broaden the separating line but I cannot get it below what looks like a .5 gap.

By changing the DTD to HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0 the problem is resolved.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Where to change DTD
« on: October 22, 2010, 10:14:37 AM »
I am moving from Nettalk 4 to 5 and have a problem that is related to the DTD setting.  Where do I update the doctype?

Pages currently only have  <!DOCTYPE html>.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: On Demand report fails with 404 not found
« on: September 25, 2009, 01:27:33 PM »
It is a authority problem.

I found that the webserver works fine while I am running it under my profile, but fails as a service, which was run as Local System account.  I have now changed this to my account and we are back up and running like before.

This means that recently a security change must have been made to the Local System Account. 


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: On Demand report fails with 404 not found
« on: September 25, 2009, 05:49:10 AM »
Well that was fun, but it proved that there is a problem on the server. 

It is not a Nettalk problem as it still runs perfectly on my standalone.

I am going to change the reports to write to disk and then open the pdf in another window.

Thanks for the help



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: On Demand report fails with 404 not found
« on: September 24, 2009, 10:23:15 AM »
Thanks Bruce.

I know the names are and this was confirmed in the log.  The form is called, the report generates but I get 2 different results
(1) Using Localhost - report is shown in browser - (using Tracker PDF)
(2) Internet Access - Page load error - Page not found.

I am of the opinion that it is a security issue but cannot prove it and the system administrator refuses to believe it.  The old "I did nothing" routine.  In my case "I did do nothing" but it broke anyway.

I am stumped and being month-end, the guys are screaming.


Web Server - Ask For Help / On Demand report fails with 404 not found
« on: September 24, 2009, 12:35:20 AM »
Reports that were working fine are suddenly failing with 404 errors.  Although on a stand alone they still work fine, once running from an external connection all of my generated reports fail.  Static pdf reports are not affected.

As far as I can tell nothing has changed on the server. 

Any advice or clue as to where I should be looking


Pages: [1]