NetTalk Central
NetTalk Web Server => Web Server - Ask For Help => Topic started by: Richard I on January 14, 2025, 09:40:44 PM
I want to filter on two fields in a NW browse as in this expression, which is not working -
ThisView{prop:Filter} = 'Men:Date = ''' & p_web.GSV('Din:date') & |
'and Men:Hall = ''' & p_web.GSV('Din:Hall') &''' '
I can on either one but not both
The code is in 11 Set Filter
NT 14.28
Got it --
ThisView{prop:Filter} = 'Men:Date = ' & p_web.GSV('Din:date') & |
' and Men:Hall = ''' & p_web.GSV('Din:Hall') & ''' '
Note the spaces and the help of Bruce's book "Developing Web Applications with NetTalk"
Thanks Bruce !
I prefer to use <13> instead of '
Sure you meant <39>...
yes ;D ;D