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NetTalk Web Server => Web Server - Ask For Help => Topic started by: joep on August 02, 2018, 06:48:44 AM
Hi All,
I have to make 2 soap posts to a webservice.
- first request (in xml) provides the webservice with some parameters like (username, password, system etc..
in return I receive "<connectResult>true</connectResult>" in xml, so I know the connection succeeded.
- In the above packetreceived I then know I can perform the second post.
This works, but the second time I get a "not connected" from the server.
What can I do to keep the session alive?
The first post:
PostString = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'&|
'<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">'&|
'<Connect xmlns="">'&|
cSoap.CanUseProxy = 1 ! Can use a proxy
cSoap.HeaderOnly = 0 ! We want the whole page
cSoap.AsyncOpenUse = 1 ! Use AsyncOpen 12 seconds (recommended)
cSoap.AsyncOpenTimeOut = 1200 ! Up to 12 seconds to connect
cSoap.InActiveTimeout = 9000 ! Set IdleTimeout 90 seconds
cSoap.ConnectionKeepAlive = 0
cSoap.ContentType = 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'
cSoap.AcceptEncoding = ''
cSoap.ContentLength = Len(Clip(PostString))
! Set the SOAPAction header to tell the web service which method to execute
cSoap.customheader = 'SOAPAction: ""'
PacketSent = PostString
cSoap.Post('http://localhost/wsCorsa7/Corsa72WS.asmx', Clip(PostString))
If cSoap.Error
Message ('Could not be post the SOAP request to this web service. Error ' & cSoap.Error |
& ': ' & cSoap.InterpretError())
Second post:
PostString = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'&|
'<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">'&|
'<GetFileVersion xmlns="">'&|
cSoap.customheader = 'SOAPAction: ""'
! The packet is contstructed, so you can post it to the webservice
PacketSent = PostString
!PostUrl = 'http://localhost/wsCorsa7/Corsa72WS.asmx'
cSoap.Post('http://localhost/wsCorsa7/Corsa72WS.asmx', Clip(PostString))
If cSoap.Error
Message ('Could not be post the SOAP request to this web service. Error ' & cSoap.Error |
& ': ' & cSoap.InterpretError())
Regards Joep
Hi Joep,
Calls to POST are Asynchronous - meaning that they take time to complete. so checking for an Errorcode on the next line is not useful.
>> If cSoap.Error
This is not refering to the post - it's refering to whatever happens to be in this property.
To make matters worse, calling MESSAGE will result in you breaking any actual comms which is happening in the background.
>> Message ('Could not be post the SOAP request to this web service. Error ' & cSoap.Error |
& ': ' & cSoap.InterpretError())
>> end
so, basically just remove all this code.
Put your error detection in the ErrorTrap method.
Hi Bruce,
I removed all the messages and error handlings.
So I don't get any error. the posts get a nice message back
But I still got a not connected message back.
This is my packetrecieved embed:
If Self.ThisPage.Length() > 0
PacketReceived = Self.ThisPage.GetValue()
If lCountRequest = 0
lResult = str.Between('<ConnectResult>','</ConnectResult>')
If lResult = 'true'
Do PostCorsaVersie !Is the second post
!Message('Connectie met Corsa niet gelukt!')
lFileName='e:\temp\' & Clip(Glo:DmsLastDoc) & Clip(lExtensie)
If Exists(lFileName) Then ShowFoto(lFileName).
And this is what I'm getting back from the second post:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-356a5795-e554-4925-9ad7-9d1da6b1731f">
<GetFileVersionResponse xmlns="">
<LastError>Unable to execute function, not connected or session was abandoned</LastError>
Hi Joep,
note that you are getting a response back from the remote server.
So it's not like your connection to them is broken or anything like that, it's specifically that they had a problem on their end, and they are reporting that problem to you.
So typically you would refer to their docs, or support, to better understand what the error means. It is, after all, _their_ error.
One thing I might suggest for you though, before the _first_ post is to set
cSoap.OptionAutoCookie = true.
Then if they are returning a cookie with the first request, you are at least submitting that with the second request.
Hi Bruce,
Your last remark did the trick.
after setting cSoap.OptionAutoCookie = true I get the right response.
Thanks again,