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NetTalk Web Server => Web Server - Ask For Help => Topic started by: osquiabro on January 23, 2013, 07:43:06 AM
i have a problem with autocomplete, the id dont pass to the field that i define to receive a value.
see the atachment, the value of Tip:TipoAplicacionId don't pass to Reg:TipoAplicacionId
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does the tipo table have a unique key on just the id field
a unique key on just the description field?
all my tables have a primary key, but not key in description.
do you have example with autocomplete??
i try to use this but don't work..
for auto-complete to work you need a key on just the description field as well.
From memory I think the Validation example has some examples of auto-complete in it.
with description key work, but with autocomplete feature after insert a record and insert another record, all fields have a value of previous record inserted..
this occurs only if use autocomplete, with lookup setting only work perfect
can you post an example please so I can duplicate here.
the database is SQL Server
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unfortunately I'm not able to run the MsSql example - especially because you didn't include any data. However;
>> all fields have a value of previous record inserted..
by "all fields" do you mean other fields in the same record, or do all the records have that specific column set to that one value?
If multiple records are being set, then tell me more about where you are "seeing" that set. For example is there a browse where that value is duplicated? Or are you using the Enterprise Manager to inspect the contents of the database?
hi bruce i create small app with tps, go to Avaluo change a record, insert new Registro Aplicacion and then insert another to see the problem..
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what you're seeing is all the "priming" you've set on the priming tab being applied.
For example you have;
Reg:SistemaOperativoId = p_web.GSV('Sis:SistemaOperativoId')
since Sis:SistemaOperativoId was updated by the previous auto-complete, it is now the basis for your next record.
So I guess this might be what you want to do, or maybe you want to consider what you are priming the fields to.
i never imagine look there....